
About Me

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Nobody understands who I really am and I don't really care.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

jurassic days

*I am, I feel... I sometimes think that you forget that this girl's a person you know...*

so that's just the way it works? after what seemed like ages that's just it?!

if it had not been for my friends i would have pined away. it isn't easy trying to push away the need... the need that i cannot be needing because it is impossible to attain. :'(

why do you say so much and do so little? even after all these jurassic days that i wished i was dead because you already left my world and i kept feeling like i needed you but i could not, you still get to contradict every little thing you say about you, about what you want and who you really are... and it hurts so bad because i keep believing you... even with all your broken words of promises. madaya ka.

*I am, I feel... I sometimes think that you forget that this girl's a person you know...*


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