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Nobody understands who I really am and I don't really care.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Mommy's shawl and other life lessons at 4 am

In a few hours time, I am gonna be at battle again, both with work and my inner demons.  I got at least two hours more for me to sleep, but I can't go back to slumber anymore.  My mind, yet again, is in overthinking mode.  I am trying to calm myself down by reflecting, and finding things to be grateful for. Thought of jotting my feelings away. 

When I learned I had to do surgery asap, I just said okay. I said yes, because my mind knew it had to be done, but my heart had not fully grasped the whole concept.  So I spent a few days after, being physically present, but my spirit, floating away somewhere. 

I always have a shawl with me. Protection for both the heat and cold.  This habit of mine, this need for this item of clothing, I got from my mom.  Young as I was, I adopted mom's habit of bringing a shawl with me everywhere I go. Too cold in cinemas? Use a shawl.  Sun too hot while walking? I got mom's shawl.  So when I had to leave Philippines and work in the middle east, it was just so fitting for Mommy to bequeath her shawls to me.  I have a few of my own, but mom's shawls are the real deal. Made of good quality, designs are intricate, while mine are cheap and not as functional as hers.  She invested in the legit ones, because she had to use them for formal wear. The number of times she needed it for Dad's work, and gatherings in MalacaΓ±an.  I am attached to these shawls, because they were given by my mom. 

So came one fateful Monday morning, my mind was afloat.  I left one of mommy's shawls on the bus I took, for work.  My heart ached, because I felt a pang, knowing I lost it.  Blamed my being mindless because I was too worried about having some malignancy and all that.  I am normally big about letting go of things that aren't meant for me, but this one, I just couldn't take.  It was something of my mom's and I couldn't forgive myself for it.  There was a nagging feeling inside of me, more of irritation and anger, that I lost it because I was so careless.  I was in a bargaining of some sort, knowing I had to let go because there was nothing else I could do, but still so upset with myself.

The next day, I was glumly waiting for the bus to arrive.  What happened next blew me away.  As the bus was nearing, just a few steps before it stopped in front of me, I could see mom's shawl at the front seat. It was hanging by the steel bar in front of the first seat.  I couldn't believe my eyes! When I entered the bus, I was like a kid, full of joy! I would have leaped if there was enough space! Haha! 

Then it dawned on me, how funny life works sometimes.  Reminded me of one of life's greatest lessons that I learned. To never ever force myself into something that's clearly stating I am not wanted... an opportunity, a person, a thing I most desire.  I should always be brave enough to let go. Just let go. Things that are truly meant for me, will find its way back to me, even if I don't do anything about it.  Again, what is meant for me, will never miss me. Or if it misses me, fate will always have a way of bringing it back to me.  

Thankful for the ways I discovered how to love myself. I learned that I should never settle for something less than I deserve. If I give someone my 100% and they can't give back the same,... I guarantee, I'll be walking out the door. I learned that I should not sell myself short.  I won't tolerate being taken for granted.  I should speak and say, "What you're doing is not okay." 

Time is the ultimate truth teller.  I am practicing the art of lying low, particularly in social media.  Has been my mantra for the year. Post less. Share less. The most sweetest moments need not be shared always in public. Based on experience too, I learned not everyone will be happy for you. Let others say what they want to say about you, even if there is no truth to it.  Time will inevitably tell the true story.  When the day of revelation comes, you would be glad you held your tongue.  

Refraining from being judgemental. I still find this difficult to do.  I need a lot of prayers for me to have patience and understanding, but yep.  I believe I will never know the extent of another person's feeling, because I do not know what's going on in their lives.  

Life is fleeting.  I should forgive while I can... be not afraid to love, when given the chance.  I should always live my life with arms wide open.  

*I was not able to finish this entry because time caught up with me. I had to prepare for work. Haha! 
** My surgery's biopsy result is negative for atypia.  I feel like I've been given a third shot at life. 
*** My sister gave birth to another beautiful baby girl.  With everything going wrong in my life, God gave me relief by bringing into this world, our Himig Feliz. πŸ’š 

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Just a little bit more

More breakdowns... hopefully after all this, will come my breakthrough. 

The past two weeks had me feeling on edge, because of the never ending mock audits for our upcoming JCIA accreditation renewal.  Two years had gone so fast, and now we have to go through this again.  

Share ko lang... spent the last two weekends of October in Dubai, with the future sister in law.  It was refreshing being around her.  We would chat every now and then. Just now she told me, "Konting tiis na lang."  It was true though.  November is flying by fast. We will see each other again in December, Inshaallah.  Hope by then we both would have lost the weight we gained by pigging out so much. Haha! 

I can feel melancholia trying to get the best of me, yet again, but I am too drained to entertain the feeling.  

The only thing that kept my hope up, is that it will be December soon. I am about to be with the people I long to be with! Kaya nga konting tiis na lang. Kahit ang sarap na magtantrums sa pagod. Haha! 

Because I was not able to write as much as I thought I wanted, bear with me if I keep writing anything under the sun. Just going with the way I feel. 

The video below triggered my emotions recently. 

I was happy to be back home, but I was very anxious at the time.  My sisters and I were worried about my parents and my brother, who went to Moalboal for a cousin's wedding.  Our hometown in Cebu was ravaged by a powerful typhoon, and days had already passed. We still haven't heard anything from them.  

Never mind that I had to spend some of my precious days in quarantine.  That time, we were required to stay in a hotel for five days, and could only be sent home after having a negative swab result. Spent seven days in total, at the hotel.  I thought I would die of boredom, and of agony from waiting to be with my family.  Didn't turn out that way.  Hubbybi made my stay bearable.  He was with me all the time.  I never felt I was alone, or secluded.  My first night, I couldn't sleep because of thinking of my bro and parents, but if not for that, I would consider my isolation, my absolutely best rest.  Of course, I also had Cordy with me. During the times he was busy with work, Netflix kept me company. Was hooked with He's Into Her. Haha! Just had to give in to that teeny bopper side of me, because why not? 

Looking back now, it was the time that he gave so much effort, just for me to not feel like I was alone.  It made me appreciate him so much.  I would always say, I am used to being alone, but he would say matter of factly, "Hindi ka na magiisa, kase kasama mo na ako."   

The view from my window

I thought to myself then, "Where do we go from here?"  Although he was succeeding in making my heart happy, I did not want to raise my expectations.  I did not demand anything.  What happened two weeks after that, was a brave step he took on his own volition.  

Which brings me to my NOW. 

It feels so surreal.  The first half of the year left me feeling so uncertain, because I was really dealing with separation anxiety from my single life. I loved being single!!!  Now that December is approaching, there's this complacent beating in my heart. Things are about to get real! Legit! 

So work is giving me hell right now.  SIGH.  

Just a tad bit more. I'll get to where I need to be.  


Wednesday, September 21, 2022

snipping tool


That long huh?

Funny how random things just come up, and remind you of that which you'd rather forget.  

Recently having gone under the knife, I believe I am not willing to subject myself to more pain, whatever the kind may be, physical or emotional.  Last night was the worst. I was writhing in pain.  My fault for thinking I would be able to bear it without taking pain meds.  

It has been that long.  I would laugh about it, but even too much laughter would hurt me, right now.  

Some time in 2016, I was on my way to the bus stop. I was passing by the back gate of our work premises, and I was looking at the tree just before the gate.  With a heavy heart, I uttered some words with conviction. I try to be careful with what I say, especially when my emotion is extreme. Aside from regretting it, sometimes, I get terrified when what I speak actually transpires.  What I said that day, it was more of a promise to myself.  Self love at its finest. 

It did happen. Another example of how words can be really powerful.  

I guess... all's well that ends well. 

Wish I could say the same for my current predicament.  My one take from all of this, is that, life is too short to waste my time being upset over things I cannot control.  

My past did weigh me down, and I felt better after letting it go.  The future, my so uncertain future, is kind of bringing me down too, As I see it, I need to let it go too. 

Don't want to wait for another long period of time, and be truth slapped again by some random life event on facebook. Haha! 

Uh-oh. I can feel an incoming wave of pain again. The physical kind. My Diclofenac at the ready.  Let's call it a night, shall we? 

Thursday, September 15, 2022


 Thought I felt nothing.

When I heard the words, and realized what needs to be done, my mind was abuzz.  I said okay right away. Didn't even think about it, I just answered, "Okay, let's do it." 

I've been putting off having myself checked, for so long. Alright, maybe because I was too afraid of what I would find out. It could also be that, I thought what I have is probably nothing, given the fact that my previous check ups didn't have significant results. 

Now this.  

Like I said, I thought I felt nothing. 

By nothing, I mean, my heart did not race.  The terms that I heard, did not sink in right away.  By nothing, I meant, I suddenly felt all my fears melt away.  What gives? Come what may.  I felt okay. Was I really okay? 

I can't bring myself to inform my family. Making them worry would also make me worry. Let me worry about myself then.  

Then it came. 

I thought it was a burp coming up. 

The rushing through my chest and throat was so nasty. I felt the left part of my chest burn. Like someone poured boiling water on it. I thought I would find a scald. I couldn't swallow anymore. My throat was on fire! Coughing it out made it worse. Tried dousing the fiery feeling by drinking water. It was futile. 

Heard my roommate call out to me and asked if I was just alright.  

I answered, but my voice was hoarse. 

It was the most terrible acid reflux I have ever experienced.  Left me feeling so uncomfortable the whole night.  

Did I repress my real emotion back then? It was as if my body knew better, it just had to find a way to express itself.  

I firmly believe God will not give me something I cannot bear.  

Whatever the findings may be, I will learn about it in the coming days... I know God will never let go of my hand.  He will walk with me all the way. 

I think I'm okay.  I think I'll be okay.  ☺

Monday, August 01, 2022

One Month Past Summer Solstice

The view from Dr. H's room. 

 More than a month now, since summer in the sandpit had begun. 

Out with our shawls that we use as sheilas, If only to try to protect us from the blazing sun, and the sweltering heat. Suffocating sandstorms on the trot for weeks.  All the dust invading my poor sighted eyes, my nose with its permanently damaged mucosa (because of the swabs it had, and still has to go through), and my post Covid sensitive throat.

It would always be the same scenario. 

After punching out at work, would scurry off to catch the bus, while ensuring I did the best I could to shield myself from the inferno like warmth.  The temperature would reach to 47°C, and it's more than my body could take.  Hello migraine and nosebleed! 

This week was different. 

On the way to work on Monday morning, the clouds were gloomy. It kind of gave me a dreary feeling. The slapping wind was not the usual humid blow I was used to.  The trees were swaying restlessly. A rare sight in the Middle East, for it looked as if a storm was brewing. 

I thought to myself, even the weather was reflecting the way I was feeling inside.  

I have been going through another emotional turmoil.  I was doubting, if my decisions of late, were the right ones.  Was I heading in the right direction? If I was, why does something keeps going wrong?  I always say to myself, if it's meant to be, it will just be.  My carefree side was being dampened by a sudden feeling of hopelessness.  Lord, do I not deserve what You gave me? Shall I give this up, or shall I press on?  Why did it have to be this difficult?  Crying it out did not give me any sort of relief. The people around me did not fall short of encouraging me.  I was in such anguish, it was too much for me. 

The sullen climate continued 'till Wednesday.  I learned from the news that it rained heavily in another emirate (Fujairah), and it caused a massive flooding.  In Abu Dhabi, however, we were just met by a pleasant drizzle.  It made me feel better.  Maybe the storm was all inside my head, and things were not as irreparable as I thought they were. 

Thursday, the sun was regaining its lost shine. For me, a couple of good news finally came.  At long last, I was able to breathe a sigh of relief.  I felt the weight I was carrying drop off my shoulders.  Truly grateful for *Hubbybi's substantial effort to attend to our personal affairs. I admit, I did not expect it from him. He really has a knack for leaving me astonished.  He was also very patient with my hormonal outbursts.  I appreciate the fact that though he just laughed at me, he still suggested a good compromise.  Just when I thought everything was falling apart, some things started falling into place. πŸ’š

A time when I was feeling somber, and decided to play it out with Cordy, 

Friday was such a treat. Firstly, it was not too humid, the temperature was the right kind of tolerable. Next reason, it warmed my heart that I made a sweet little boy happy, with my Taho surprise.  All the adults were delighted too, thus,  I am very satisfied.  Lastly, I found the one. The dress that would represent me.  After much searching, suddenly, there it was, calling out to me: Choose me Krish, wear me please! πŸ˜„  Another one of those #happinessifindinmysolitude kind of moment. Haha! 

Weekend was restful, which I am thankful for.  I feel ready and eager to start the week tomorrow.  

Was able to take a power nap in the afternoon of Saturday (yesterday), and was able to video call my loved ones, after waking up.  Decided to loosen up during the night, by drinking dry white crisp wine, while he was chugging down his cold beer.  Meaningful conversations, senseless, but funny gossips, life stories... Again, simple joys, but ever so priceless.  πŸ’š  

Sunday (today), finished all my chores, with enough time left for me to ponder about my week. Here I am writing it out.  

No matter how chaotic my life could be at times, God will always have ways to make me see some sense in it.  I know my hormonal meltdowns are far from being over, but I will sleep tonight, with the comfort of knowing, that the good times always out number the bad.  

A genuine goodbye, can indeed be a way. to lead you to your forever.  

Closing my musing with lines from Sting and Sheryl Crow's song: 
"Well they say that love is in the air (never is it clear), 
how to pull it close and make it stay. 
Butterflies are free to fly, why do they fly away?
Leavin' me to carry on and wonder why. 
Was it you that kept me wondering through this life? 
When you know that I was always on your side?" 

*Formulated the term of endearment Hubbybi, from the word "HABIBI", which is an Arabic word that translates to: my love, my dear, my darling or beloved

Monday, July 04, 2022

Conversations over glycolic acids and body peels

 I have been meaning to contemplate about what triggered my overthinking self, before the weekend commenced. 

A backstory: 

Friday.  I officially finished my shift. Two hours earlier than the normal duty hours, because my doctor and I did not have any lunch break. ( I mentioned in my previous entry how stressed out I am, and if you can see me now, it is evidenced by my acne breakout, one of the worst eruptions I had, as far as I can remember.) We have a new member of the team (Yey for the new staff!), and she grabs every chance she can get to practice our usual procedures.  Perfect guinea pig: ME, obviously. Haha!

It was fortunately a steady time, and my colleagues would come and go inside the room to chat.  They were in the mood to reminisce about their newbie years in our hospital.  One senior staff of mine mentioned, she heard I joined, at the time she was on maternity leave.  It took me back to that afternoon, when I was watching the SDE of her wedding with the other ladies from the department. We have not personally met.  She said, I was heartbroken, as endorsed, and I would not eat much, and at times, they would notice my tears fall, while I was busy doing my documentation. Haha! Yep, that time was pretty rough, and I have always been such a crybaby. I believe my tears make me strong. I had chest pains that time, and not letting my tears out would aggravate it more. 

I just laughed it off.  Almost six years had passed.  It's nothing more than a distant memory.  I was coming to terms with what love is, and what love is not.  

It lead to one of us sharing her first heartbreak.  She was foolishly in love, that she was willing to change her religion.  She was begging for the guy to take her back. It hurt like hell for her. She was laughing the whole time she was telling the story.  I asked her, "Paano mo nakaya magmaka awa ng ganon? Hindi ko kaya gawin yun, kahit sobrang nasasaktan ako."  

"Nanghihinayang ako sa one year namin, crush na crush ko talaga siya, tapos naging boyfriend ko pa."  She answered, all the while, laughing at the absurdity of it all.  We laughed with her. It was my turn to be questioned. "Ikaw ba hindi manghihinayang? Sayang yung oras na nilaan mo, tapos ganon lang." 

"My only regret is that I did not end it sooner.   Para sakin, mas sayang pag inaksaya ko pa oras sa kanya, mas kelangan ko ng oras para makapag move on agad. The sooner , the better. Kase nga, I am not getting any younger."  

She said,  I had a point too, and she did not think of it that way. She learned a lot about herself from that heartbreak.  No matter how painful it had been, the lessons would always be the biggest take aways.  Then the topic shifted to interfaith relationships, marriage, and having kids. 

"WIlling ako mag change ng religion para sa kanya!"  More chuckling. 

"Okay lang ba sa inyo na magkaiba kayo ng religion?"

"Siguro. Basta magkasundo kami."

"Paano yung magiging anak niyo?" 

I answered, "I have no problem with it. My first boyfriend was a Born Again Christian, and we never had an issue. Pastor pa 'ata lolo non. Sobrang knowledgeable sa Bible.  I guess, medyo may pagka selective Catholic din ako. Siguro para sakin, it's about applying in life, what Jesus personally taught/ made me feel.  It doesn't matter kung ano man religion mo. Sabi nga nila, no religion can save you, only your faith will. Siguro din, kung pagdating sa mga anak, if it were up to me, I would let them choose. Kung san nila mahanap si God, I am all for it.  Basta maging mabuti silang mga tao. Wow, feeling magkaka anak pa!" Hahahaha! 

Then they went on about stories about their kids. I can only listen, because I don't have kids of my own, and I could not relate.  I tried to take note of their personal experiences, just in case I would find myself in the same state. Tawa tayo uli. haha! 

Reflecting back on our exchange of narratives, I am astonished about what I learn from other people.  Brings me back to what I keep telling myself, to always live my life with arms wide open.  There is so much to gain when you listen to what others have to say.  Unexpectedly, I also came to realize some things about myself.  

I may come off as eccentric, when it comes to the way I decide, whether to keep or let people go, in my life.  I guess I have always known myself to be such, but hearing my work friends talk about me, truly validates what I knew all along.  I let people leave, when they want to leave.  I have lost friendships I used to considerably cherish, and to be honest about it, I don't feel any sense of loss.  Real friendships, or relationships, for that matter, should survive the heaviest of storms, and if we were not able to come through out of it, like I always say, better not force it.  Hanggan doon na lang talaga kami.  Iiiyak ko lang yan for a time, pero hahayaan ko pa din sila.  

Another epiphany:  I am getting old! Not because of my physical age, but because of the way I am starting to get better at not taking people's actions against me, personally.  Or maybe because, I feel any time now, I could be at the end of my rope.  I don't like to waste my emotions on insignificant issues, or people, for that matter. 

Lastly, I am at awe, by the way love comes in different forms.  

Forgiveness. Jesus inspired me to have a forgiving heart.  If he can forgive, who am I to refuse forgiving those who hurt me?  

Empathy.  Not only useful in nursing, but very applicable to life in general.  I start understanding why people hurt other people.  It always comes to the fact that they are hurt too. That is when I start to remind myself to always hold my judgement. 

Random act of kindness.  The way my colleagues are concerned about my well- being.  Even without asking them, they are the ones offering help. Like my zit breakout, and other aesthetic concerns.  

Acceptance.  My dragon boat team, always reminding me I am a paddler in every right. I will never forget the way I am always told, "Wala namang babae sumagwan."   So, I had to swallow my fear at the times I was included in the line up, for the men's boat. Haha! I am laughing about it now, but the past two races, I wanted to object about it.  I did not believe in myself, yet my team did.  

I have come to the conclusion, that I am not afraid of being alone, or living alone, because God, have time and time again, proven, that I am never alone.   There was one point I was researching about the best ways to living my life alone.  It was the direction I was getting ready to head into.  

So what will I do now when His plans for me are not what I expected them to be? 

When I have no words, I always say, walk by faith, not by sight. ☺

Wonder what my colleagues and I will talk about, come our next session.   Kung magkaka chance pa.  

*Praying for peaceful shifts for the days ahead. A futile request, but I should not lose hope.  

Monday, June 20, 2022

Under the wire

 Half of the year is through! I. Just. Can't. 

I did have a feeling, the long Eid Al Fitr break, would mean harder duty days afterwards. How right I was.  

The conditions stated in our new contract were immediately implemented.  From 40 hours per week, we are now working for 48 hours.  All of our doctors opted to still have two days off, and that meant working for more than 8 hours for five days.  Saying work is exhausting is such an understatement.  There are just no words for it.   Even the doctors are feeling burnt out, they get sick alternately.  The first week back from the Eid holidays, was something I do not wish to go through again.  There was one time that I cried, the moment I got home, just to let all my frustrations out.  Longer working hours meant not being able to make it to water trainings too, and paddling is my happy pill.  Even if I make it, I wouldn't have enough energy for it.  I truly feel my age is catching up on me, physically. πŸ˜‚

Sometimes, it would be easier to just blame my feelings on our unjust work system.  My colleagues and I are all learning how to be respectful while being feisty.  We have to do what we have to do, to make it through the day.  Having that said, I could always choose to be spiteful about it, but it would all the more drain the happiness out of me.  I try my best to find something to be grateful for, everyday, no matter how bad the day have been.  

I just want time to slow down a bit.  I feel undeniably overstretched. There's just too much to do, and so little time.  Partly my fault, because I feel like I had all the time in the world... now I can hear the clock ticking.  There are times that I am consumed by the immensity of it all, I just shut down.  When that happens, I always prefer to sleep it away.  How did I get this bad at coping with life? 

I have become too comfortable with my single life.  For a long time, I only had myself to think about.  I always make my situation a laughing matter. I would always say in my popcorn prayers, "Lord, I am okay with being single, just as long as I have enough, to help others, while still being able to provide for myself." God have been exceedingly gracious.  Too gracious, that He even gave me blessings I didn't pray for.  Along with these blessings, came responsibilities.  I get frustrated, when I feel, that I fall short of fulfilling them.  

Is it so wrong to want many things at the same time? I would ask most of the time.  

I want to give my self a good beating for always asking, now that I realize what God's answer is: No. It isn't wrong, but wanting many things at the same time might be too much for you.  

SIGH.  My time is running out.  I am resolved in accepting that there are just some things I have no control of.  I can't find the courage to face what I need to face... I am afraid to take required exams for a better career path, I feel like I will never be brave enough to schedule an appointment with a doctor.  I am terrified of what I would find out. These, plus all of the tasks I have to do, before the year ends, make me feel overloaded.  SIGH. Again. 

*Half of the year is through, will I ever see my dreams come true? 

Thursday, May 05, 2022

Brooding Over

So Ramadan ended.  

Two days before the anticipated long break, we had trouble with our staffing, because two were on sick leave. One was on annual leave. How we were able to survive the last two days, I don't want to think about it anymore.  Just very grateful we were able to endure, and outstandingly accomplish our tasks for the day.  

Went home last Friday, heart full of relief.  Laughing outside, but crying inside.  I was just so glad for the coming holidays... thankful for the most cooperative colleagues.  Indeed, it was teamwork at its finest.  We managed with just three nurses, but it was such a struggle! The whole situation gave me a sense of foreboding, of what is to come after our given days off. 

I found myself in a dilemma of some sort. 

 My paddle family had scheduled another camping activity.  It was to celebrate the birthdays of our April babies, the kick off for Eid Al Fitr, and our winning the championship for the corporate cup in our last two races (Back to back champs for the corpo cup! How's that?☺), 

I wanted to bond with them, sure, but that would mean, I would go through the hustle of staying overnight again in the middle of the desert, with only the wide sandpit serving as a natural latrine.  It was that time of the month again (it's difficult to be a girl sometimes), and thinking about it, made me feel uneasy.  My mood was too unstable.  

In the end, my teammates convinced me to go.  

Like our last camping, it was nothing short of amazing.  You can always count on the team to bring you good vibes.  Though a great deal of time was lost, because most of our cars got stuck in the sand. and we had to pull/push them out,  we were still able to laugh our hearts off.  We sang until all our sound system batteries ran out. We ate and drank (both water and alcohol), and just had a great time.  I was hoping there would be no more drama, but I guess it couldn't be helped. 

Spent most of my time with Quinncy.  She's the most adorable!

With Quinn and Ruby at DFC Regatta Feb 2022

"Do you remember me Krish? I am your friend!" 

" Of course I remember you Quinn." 

"We had a picture taken together during your race." 

"Yes we did! " 

Didn't mind her tagging along with me most of the time.  Come to think of it, it gave me a sense of purpose.  I had to take care of her, and that meant her parents were able to enjoy the event too.  It seemed I entertained her, as much as she fascinated me. 

* See photo, the one which she spoke about.  

"Krish, you're not eating or drinking that much."

"Well yeah, That's because I don't like to pee (in my mind; and poop). " 

Trust a child to truly express what she thinks, or sees, for that matter. Haha! 

Sharing some crazy antic they suddenly came up with ( I was coerced to join!I was not even done with eating dinner!). Was so funny because all of them were mic happy people.  


About the drama that unfolded... it involved one of my closest teammates (Kuya Archie), who is about to leave UAE for good.  Almost everybody were drinking, so everyone suddenly had something to say. Haha! I guess, scenarios such as that, are most amusing to the sober ones like me. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I didn't even notice how the topic suddenly became about me.  I just let them finish without interjecting.  Was pretty sure they would not remember a thing when the morning comes. 

The best part of it all, was the bonding, which was utterly solid.  Even some inactive members came.  It was such a delight having them around.  

Captain William (The one in the blue shirt), our former captain/coach from our former team came.

Kap Will showed up! He was one of the people who made me love dragon boat.  I saw how passionate he was about it. His energy was always encouraging and his positivity, contagious.  
We have been through so much.  After the falling out with our previous team, he made a way for us to paddle again.  Through Ate Miles (the one in dark blue long sleeved blouse), a number of us former EDBT paddlers, became happy members of Daman Dragons. ☺

Sitting beside me, Manong Erwin, is also a co-paddler from EDBT.  Was waiting for him to update us about the date he brought with him that night, but I felt he was hesitant. πŸ˜‚ We could read in between the lines though.  As long as he's happy, then we are all happy for him too.  From EDBT all the way to DD, we got each other's backs for sure.  (Missing Ate Che and Joie,  both went home in the Philippines and stayed for good). 

Archie, Erwin, Krish, Joie, Cheryl, Will
The Palm Regatta 2019

Amidst all the fun going on through the night, something was nagging at me inside.  I guess I was feeling a little sentimental.  (And yeah, I am blaming it on the hormones! Haha!)  

You know how you are certain that some things are just meant for you? 

That is how dragon boat is for me.  

New Year of 2018, I made a list of what I wanted to do, like a bucket list. I knew getting through 2018 would be the most challenging one for me, because it was the year my ex and I planned to get married.  I vowed to do everything I could to keep myself busy, and not dwell on the things that should and could have been.  Hence, I officially dubbed it as my YOLO-ing year.  One of the item written was, learn a water sport.  What I had in mind was learning water polo, or taking formal swimming lessons.  Just a month into the new year, I just came back from my vacation in the Philippines and I was recovering from a bout of flu.  

One of my pole sisters asked me if I am interested in joining her dragon boat team, as they were open for recruitment that time.  A friend of a friend was joining, and she thought it would be a good idea if we join at the same time so she will not feel left out. It was winter time, it was always freezing, my colds refused to go away, and I felt my pole classes were tiring and painful enough. How could I possibly do dragon boat too?  I said no a few times, but it turned out that the friend, was a very close friend of mine. Les (my good friend) kept on pressing me to join together with her.  Peer pressure it was.  It was Valentine's Day the night that I joined. (Pretty symbolic if I may say!πŸ˜‚)  I have been paddling ever since. 

Learn a water sport.  One item off my bucket list. 

Dragon boat was something I never had in mind, but it was the opportunity that presented.  It was like the universe conspired and the chance came to me.  It was not something I sought... but then again, I guess it's true... what is for you will find you and never miss you.  

Like how some things, in my life, are the way they are.  No words can ever explicate. 

No matter how great my love for paddling is, ultimately, I would have to give it up, for something I love even more.  

I was content that camping night, but only I can tell how soppy I was feeling inside.  

Will have to make the most out of the time I am given then.  

*** Eid Mubarak! ( Happy Eid!)
I pray you find reasons to make your life blissful and beautiful. 
May you never run out of wonder. 
I wish for you, love you deserve, and the peace you long for. 
I hope dragon boat makes you happy, the way it made and kept me happy.  ☺

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Ramadan Hits

 An hour and a half past midnight. 

I know I should be sleeping. 

Just finished doing the laundry (the washing and the hanging), and the folding of all the laundered clothes. The next challenge would be to sort them again in their designated spaces in my closet.  I lost the willpower, and opted to temporarily place them at the foot of my bed. (Don't ask me how many days they're gonna stay there. haha!) 

Adulting never stops.  Most of the time, when I am doing my chores, I always convince myself that if I get them done, then my life would be rid of all the clutters as well. Why do I always fool myself? πŸ˜…

I thought I haven't had a musing for quite a while. I am irritated with all the unfinished drafts.  The momentum of my feelings at those moments, had already passed.  Have I been really that occupied? Thought I would put down in writing whatever it is that is keeping me awake.  Keeping me company, my 2020 top songs in Spotify. Two years had passed, and a lot had changed.

Two years ago, the start of Ramadan fell on the second half of April. (This year, it started earlier, 2nd of April).  I was deployed in the wards that time, as it was the beginning of the pandemic brought about by Covid.  I didn't notice the Ramadan days passing by.  One night, after a twelve hour shift, lower back aching and all, I went home and realized it was the eve of Eid Al Fitr.  I was that busy, I didn't even feel the holy month of Ramadan transpire. 

A couple of years later,  and it's Ramadan again.  The days are passing by so quickly, and it feels like I haven't got enough time for all the things I want to do.  

Didn't expect to be immersed like this.  You never really know where life can take you. 

Good thing work starts late during Ramadan. It ends early too, or else I would regret staying up this late.  Better gear myself up with enough sleep, lest I feel dizzy and faint, or become a zombie.  It's gonna be another battle at work, as usual, tomorrow.  

I can't sleep.  I have gotten so used to hearing that snore... it has become my lullaby. Checked the moon.  I always have it to blame when I am crazy like this. A waxing gibbous. Seriously? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜

And as if to tease me more, For you by BTOB is playing. Haha! Love it! I take that as my cue to end this random musing. 

The song helped me get by during my ward days in 2020.  It helped me calm my nerves before going to war, felt very much like it, every time I had to go on duty.  πŸ’š

"You're the only one for me... I'm the only one for you." 

Tuesday, March 22, 2022


How do you close something, that you did not even notice, had opened? 

I guess it's true what they say, if it's meant to be, it will be.  

Plodding over the sands of Al Quaa

Here's to walking away from something I never thought I would saunter from.
Cheers to some truths that had revealed themselves at the perfect time. 
Lots of gratitude to the healing of wounds, I did not even see, were there. 

*Posted the picture above, from our team's desert getaway, two weeks back. Maybe next time I will share how I felt really loved, that weekend.  How lucky am I to have teammates who make my heart happy, not only when paddling the waters, but also when marching through the sands? Anyway, for reference lang talaga 'yang pic na yan. I feel like I am at this stage... The walking away part.  The good kind of walking away. The kind I did not even dream of. πŸ’“

It all seems funny now, that a closure I never thought I needed, came to be.  Bizarre how it had to take place, in a PCR swab queue, on an ordinary day! πŸ˜‚ The shock I felt after!  I stopped my wondering immediately after I left the floor. Let's just leave it at that. ☺

This has been in my drafts for more than six weeks! I feel like life's at it again... sucking me into all its beautiful chaos. 
The first quarter of my 2022 is almost over.  The year started with a bang indeed! Not only for me, but for people I cherish the most.  The journey that lies ahead won't be easy.   I am well aware of that... but like they say, everything gets difficult before a breakthrough.  

I can't expect for everyday to be just sunshine. I got to learn how to dance and sing in the rain sometimes. ☺