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Nobody understands who I really am and I don't really care.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

blue thursday

I am so down today... all because of a person who will never be like... haha...

No, seriously, I am so down. I need to find out why I deserve to be hated so much.

It it because of the way I look? I can't change my the way my eyes stare at people... I didn't design my eyes!

... She'll never be like me, she's never gonna be like me... I'll just keep on telling myself that until I finally last the day. I did last the day. I am here now, in the comfort of a quiet computer shop, without the slightest trace of her.

The day started great. I woke up late (was that a good thing?), and I was okay with what I ate. Couldn't ask for a more better day. Things just get worse when you least expect them to.

And him?... he's like a debris. He hits me when I'm not in the mood to think of him. He would do the simplest things and make me react like a crazy little girl whose life couldn't get so much better after some unpredictable things he does. Then, he ignores me just when I think I need him most.

I'm not making myself so clear, am I? ... that's just me. I have so many secrets. I wanna write, but I don't wanna reveal who I am writing about. It's not like everyone will find out,I couldn't care less. I just wanna be sure. Like the way I felt sure about my first crush in highschool not to be known for as long as I live.

...Sigh... I am just so down. Maybe a good dinner will help wash my depression down.

Times like these...I just need to think of all the good things the people I love say about me. I may be a bitch, but my friends are alwalys there to remind me I am nice. I feel stupid most of the time but my family always tell me I am from the same gene pool they were from, so I am smart. I look like an antogonist waiting to make a bad day for someone so innocent and unsuspecting, but my friends always tell me I look like an angel.

It's not like I'm being boastful or proud. I just need to think of anything that I can think of to boost my morale. I am just really down. Never felt ashamed of myself like this before...and it's all because of a person who'll never be like me.

I hope she's happy with what she's done. I will try my best not to be affected with what she does with my life. "if it makes her happy, it can't be that bad..." Just wish she won't go too far.

I need God's healing power now... Lord, I am so hurt than ever. I don't know why I cry about such a simple task that I failed to do... in my heart, I didn't fail. I know that You know I didn't fail. I am just unlucky that people tend to hate me. Do they hate me? Please help me understand that I couldn't please everybody. Please let me live knowing others hate me. I did try to reach out, maybe I'm just really not likeable. Why? Because my eyes look like I'm always in for a fight? Or my silence intimidates them, or do I walk like I own the whole universe?

I don't know, I really don't know.

I wish I would know what they're really thinking about. And I wish they'd find what I am really feeling. If they think I am so proud, why do I stand with a stooping back. If I walk like I own the world, how come I hide my face and try to walk as fast as I can. If I am too proud, why am so busy sitting in silence in the corner preferring not to say all the good things about me?

They would never understand me, and I probably would never understand them.

I am trying, I am really trying. I am trying to change my belief that first impressions always last because it is not a good thing...but at the end of the day, I always end up being right. I should've listened to my instincts from the very start. But I never get on their way to do things to hurt them just because I don't like them... I just simply do nothing, and this is what I get?

Why do some people find satisfaction in making other people feel miserable?

"God is the strength of my heart..."

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