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Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Rescue

" I am a lunatic from the gracious days. I used to be woebegone, and so restless nights. My aching heart would bleed for you to see... oh, but now..." 

It has not been more than a month ago that I said something about rescuing myself.  Well, this morning, it finally dawned on me that hey, it can't all just end in words. I seriously have to do something about it.

Tell you what, it may sound so insignificant, but it has been raining a lot lately... Kind of reflecting what I have been feeling for so long... :'(

I remember that day, when all that flooding was so bad. I have not felt an ache for a very long time, and that day it came.  I ignored it.  I focused on what I thought was a funny ridicule... I ignored that scary vision that I probably would find myself buried into, some time in the near future.  And today, it has not even started raining yet, but I remembered it suddenly.

I guess what some people say is true though... that after so much despair, hope will finally show itself...

"Oh but now... I don't find myself bouncing home whistling buttonhole tunes to make me cry..."

It's about time.

**Thanks Annie Lennox for the inspiring song... girl power!!!**

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