
About Me

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Nobody understands who I really am and I don't really care.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


After Me

The sky's a misty blue
and everywhere I go...
everywhere I turn...
the wind seem to blow right at me.

It's after's after me.

It won't stop
until it has blown all my hurts away.
It won't stop
until I make it a part of me...
swhirling,seething,swivering and spinning.

The rain feels like steel on my skin
and everywhere I go...
everywhere I turn...
raindrops seem to deliberately hit my face.

They're after me... they're after me.

They won't stop
until they have washed all my hurts away.
They won't stop
until I make them a part of me...
cold,fierce,strong and ever flowing.

My eyes are like broken mirrors
and everwhere I look...
everywhere I turn...
visions of you seem to glide past and dance all around me.

You're after me... you're after me.

You won't stop
until you think you'd taken all my hurts away.
You won't stop
until I let you become a part of me once more...
solemn as the misty sky
harsh and playful sometimes like the wind
euphoric like the rain
refreshing and freezing like raindrops
and transparent like a thousand broken mirrors.

Am I to give in once more?

I thought I'll be going...
just going and going...

Am I to let you pass once again through my door?

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