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Nobody understands who I really am and I don't really care.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


I thought I was all cried out... not totally.

I thought my crying nights are over...well, I wouldn't be me if that happened, right? I still find myself lonely and longing, but I guess this feeling is normal after a break up. Hahaha...I'm officially single. I haven't written it yet in my diary coz writing too much still hurts for me. It's crazy... I got three pages left and I can start writing in a new one. It hurts to write. And I guess I'm still am not writing much compared to the way I usually write.

Sigh... just gotta think of what my mom told me.

Everything he and I had... it was good while it lasted. That's just what I'm gonna think about, and God has His own reasons why He took away one of the things I wanted most. "Wanted"... I thought "needed", but I guess He's trying to tell me that it was one of the things I only wanted. He knows best what I am in need for. Little by little, everyday (it's a song I learned from a charismatic song book)... I am letting go. I lift up all my hurts to God, and it does make me feel so much better, but the pain comes back once in a while. Sigh... life...parang buhay. Hahaha! Korny pero masaya!

Thank God for Michael Buble...his songs help me get by. Everytime I feel sad and lonely, I listen to his songs... You don't know me really blows me away (maybe someday...sshhh...sshhh...haha!basta, got a really great day dream about it) and my favorite is his remake of Quando Quando with Nelly Furtado. Hehe... I didn't know I was into classical and jazzy music. The things I came to be because of changing things. Hahahaha! I haven't been feeling like myself lately.

Inerks out!

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