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Friday, February 08, 2013

Going mad

"...and some kind of madness has started to evolve." - Muse

I feel so hopeless that I don't wanna wake anymore.  That's the first thing I thought of when I woke up this morning.  Even now that the day is starting to end, I have to purposefully lose myself in a song to keep me going... 

Aaaahhh... this is indeed madness. :( 

I'm at the point in my life where everything is held within a big pause. Everything, as in everything, is on hold.  If I were at the middle of a river, and I had to get to the other side by using boulders as a path, then I would be at the point where the boulder path ends.  I have to wait for the river to calm down before I can finally crossover. 

They say there is always hope... though I can't seem to find even a glimpse of it, I have no other choice but to press on. There's no looking back now. I need to chase my dreams and I will die trying.

I can't let whatever kind of madness I am feeling take control right? 

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