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Nobody understands who I really am and I don't really care.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

notes to myself

  • I only exist in my world.
  • What I am, is all I am.
  • I need to be more insensitive to what I hear and see.
  • The less my mouth speaks, the less evil I say.
  • If it is God's will that I do what He wants me to do from afar, then so shall be it.
  • It is I who wastes my own time.
"Oh well... there's still tomorrow. Oh well... I'll try again."

That again. Every time I get some things wrong I keep singing that to myself.

No, It does not make things better, but I'd like to think all hope is not lost. That I am willing to try again and not give up although I really feel like it.

I don't think I can make it this December. I don't like to say that I can't even though it seems like I just did. Ang gulo ko noh?

Tsk, tsk...

I wonder when this will all end.

So tired of over thinking... and when my mind was flying and I was bracing myself while going up the stairs... haaayyy... an unlikey scenario.

  • I am going to stop thinking.
Enough is enough.

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